An apocalypse of misplaced rage

Okay, so the world didn’t end on Friday, December 21, 2012 (no surprise there), however, it was the Friday before Christmas…which, if you’re still shopping for presents, is a kind of apocalypse of a different sort. Which is where I found myself, not shopping for presents (I finished that last week), but for groceries…at Costco. A Costco at full-Xmas swarm, filled to capacity with frazzled humanity: traffic jams of shopping carts and people noshing on samples at nearly every aisle. And then, this happened… To the woman with the iPhone plastered against her ear who screamed at me for bumping […]

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The Donald needs attention: Trump tries to bribe President Obama for college transcripts

Not that I care to keep up with Donald Trump’s The Apprentice reality show, but is there a new season coming up? With all of his millions Trump really doesn’t need the free publicity, but he’d rather spend his money to promote himself as a public nuisance instead. Yep, The Donald is taking his Crazy Train Brain to the bank. On Monday the Cheeto-haired billionaire, in an appearance on Fox & Friends, teased that he had “something very, very big concerning the president of the United States…It’s going to be very big. I know one thing — you will cover […]

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S**t Mitt Romney says

In a campaign year that seems more like a production of Comedy Central than a battle between two serious challengers, Campaign 2012 will go down in history as one which made us laugh, cringe, and cry…simultaneously. And you thought Campaign 2008, with Sarah Palin winking and gamboling about, was bizarre… Ah, Mitt Romney. Is there some sort of disconnect going on between your brain and your mouth? Romney’s gaffes often go way beyond the maladroit of President George W. Bush. It almost seems as if Mitt Romney is always thinking aloud, sans filter and self-editing. I’ve said this before, and […]

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Defiant Todd Akin refuses to drop out of senate race, blames “liberal elite” for GOP bullying

It’s getting really ugly for Missouri Rep. Todd Akin — and we’re not talking about his comb-over. The congressman is still smarting over Republican Party echelons calling for him to step aside and allow a (hopefully) less gaffe-prone candidate to take on U.S. Senate Democratic challenger Claire McCaskill. Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus, during an appearance on CNN’s ‘Out Front,’ urged the congressman to “step aside and let someone else run for that office.” The GOP Chairman added that he “prefer that Todd Akin do the right thing for our party and our candidates” and “not come” to the RNC […]

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Missouri Rep. Todd Akin: Women’s uteri have spidey-sense in cases of rape

Just when the GOP thought they’d put a lid on Republican candidates making stupid public comments, here comes Missouri Republican Congressman Todd Akin with a new zinger (he’s currently vying for the Missouri U.S. Senate seat against Democrat Claire McCaskill). In a brief paragraph, uttered in an interview on Sunday, Rep. Akin managed a grammatical trifeca of irony, oxymoron and redundancy by attempting to define ‘legitimate vs illegitimate rape.’ “It seems to me, from what I understand from doctors, that is really rare,” The Tea Party-backed Akin said of pregnancy caused by rape. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female […]

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John Sununu: stupid surrogate tricks

I guess Mitt Romney is a little piss-poor when it comes to articulate, thoughtful campaign surrogates. He’s got Donald Trump blathering on about President Obama’s birth certificate and now he’s got John Sununu calling the President “stupid.” Sununu really stepped in it again today. To be charitable, the worst of the quote was taken out of context:  “The men and women all over America who have worked hard to build these businesses, their businesses, from the ground up is how our economy became the envy of the world. It is the American way, and I wish this president would learn […]

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Testicle canapé, anyone?

When Japanese artist Mao Sugiyama announced that he’d served up his severed and sauteed ‘nads to paying diners, the second shocker was that there are no laws against cannibalism in Japan. And, apparently, there are few, if any, laws against cannibalism…well…anywhere. There apparently are no formal laws in the United States regarding cannibalism, but if you killed your neighbor and threw him on the barbeque, you’d at least be arrested for murder and desecration of a corpse. Similarly in Canada and most other countries; however, the British outlawed cannibalism in the early 19th century.

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Um, spammers…can we talk?

Look. It’s like this: DO NOT ask me if you can quote anything in my posts…particularly the ‘dummy’ first posts. What would you possibly want to quote, anyway? How about ‘Testing, testing, testing’ or ‘Wow! My first blog post!’ or ‘Hello world!” or…well, hopefully you get the point. Oh, and don’t think that I’m flattered by your lame-assed ‘comment,’ “I wish I could find informative websites such as yours!.”  Yeah, right. Perhaps you should find an ‘informative website’ to help you in constructing grammatical sentences. Here’s a snippet of advice (not that I want to HELP you, mind): Bad grammar […]

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Blip from the Past: This is how we wag the dog, wag the dog, wag the dog…

Because this is an election year, it behooves me to remind all and sundry of the cray-zazee daze of George W. Bush’s tenure in the White House. This journal entry from January 2002 highlights what would be one in a long parade of ‘wag the dog’ antics offered up to the American Public by the Bush Administration. If Homeland Security’s silly Threat Level chart didn’t scare the be-Jeebus out of you, then by golly, John Walker Lindh surely would. Or at least, in theory, he should have. Maybe. So…anyway…John Walker Lindh is currently serving a 20 year sentence at the […]

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Blip from the Past: America sends its best, PB&J

Here’s a Blip from the Past, an old online journal entry from October 15, 2001. It just illustrates the Bush Admistration’s cluelessness towards non-American cultural differences. Someone emailed a response, “They (the Afghans) should be glad they’re getting anything at all to eat from us.” He wasn’t being sarcastic. I’d like to know why Right Away Foods (based in McAllen, Texas — who’d have thought? Dubya connection maybe? D’ya think?) thought that starving Afghans might like to nosh on peanut butter ‘n crackers and ‘spicy beans and rice’? Right Away Foods is the company contracted by the government to provide […]

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