When it comes to searching for a scandal to tie to your opponent, House Republicans are always hopeful that they can turn a lemon into lemonade. Lately, however, it’s been more like turning that lemonade into piss water. They had such great hopes for the failed Operation Fast & Furious gun-walking ATF scheme to be the scandal of scandals which would upend the Obama administration, sending it into a spiraling tailspin. But…that didn’t work out so well — and, in the process, we learned about a similar ATF operation during the Bush administration called Wide Receiver that was just as […]
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Missouri Rep. Todd Akin: Women’s uteri have spidey-sense in cases of rape
Just when the GOP thought they’d put a lid on Republican candidates making stupid public comments, here comes Missouri Republican Congressman Todd Akin with a new zinger (he’s currently vying for the Missouri U.S. Senate seat against Democrat Claire McCaskill). In a brief paragraph, uttered in an interview on Sunday, Rep. Akin managed a grammatical trifeca of irony, oxymoron and redundancy by attempting to define ‘legitimate vs illegitimate rape.’ “It seems to me, from what I understand from doctors, that is really rare,” The Tea Party-backed Akin said of pregnancy caused by rape. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female […]
Continue readingBlip from the Past: GOP desperate for midterm victory, retool Contract With America
It’s been two years since the American people had collective temporary insantity and allowed the Republican Party to take over the House of Representatives, I submit this post from April of 2010 (as it appeared on Alan Colmes’s Liberaland). In the two years since John Boehner has presided as Speaker of the House, he and his Republican minions have been quite busy — just not in the way the American people had hoped. We thought these mooks would focus on creating jobs (with ideas other than giving more tax breaks to rich people)? Seriously? Apparently House Republicans never got the […]
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Speaker John Boehner really knows how to raise a lot of money in a short period of time — to help his fellow Republicans win their respectives races, of course. So far, through various fundraising appearances, Speaker Boehner has racked up a whopping $80 million for the coffers of the National Republican Congressional Committee. Boehner has also donated $4.1 million from his own campaign war chest to the NRCC. That’s a LOT of moola to toss around. And this is just the beginning – the Speaker has 100 more fundraisers to headline in this cycle alone. Gee, could Boeher close […]
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