In a campaign year that seems more like a production of Comedy Central than a battle between two serious challengers, Campaign 2012 will go down in history as one which made us laugh, cringe, and cry…simultaneously. And you thought Campaign 2008, with Sarah Palin winking and gamboling about, was bizarre… Ah, Mitt Romney. Is there some sort of disconnect going on between your brain and your mouth? Romney’s gaffes often go way beyond the maladroit of President George W. Bush. It almost seems as if Mitt Romney is always thinking aloud, sans filter and self-editing. I’ve said this before, and […]
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Mitt Romney’s Marie Antoinette moment: party yacht flies Cayman Islands flag
Oh, what have we here? Why it’s a yacht flying the flag of the Cayman Islands — a yacht owned by a Florida developer who hosted a lavish party in honor of Mitt Romney’s formal nomination. The yacht, aptly named “Cracker Bay,” was attended by about 50 GOP party animals, including Romney relatives. A woman living aboard a less impressive boat moored at the St. Petersburg Municipal Marina remarked, “I think it’s ironic they do this aboard a yacht that doesn’t even pay its taxes.” Indeed. Definitely a ‘Marie Antoinette’ moment for Mittens. I reckon the most Republican spin doctors […]
Continue readingSpeaker John Boehner becomes PAC-man, raises millions for the NRCC
Speaker John Boehner really knows how to raise a lot of money in a short period of time — to help his fellow Republicans win their respectives races, of course. So far, through various fundraising appearances, Speaker Boehner has racked up a whopping $80 million for the coffers of the National Republican Congressional Committee. Boehner has also donated $4.1 million from his own campaign war chest to the NRCC. That’s a LOT of moola to toss around. And this is just the beginning – the Speaker has 100 more fundraisers to headline in this cycle alone. Gee, could Boeher close […]
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