Not that I care to keep up with Donald Trump’s The Apprentice reality show, but is there a new season coming up? With all of his millions Trump really doesn’t need the free publicity, but he’d rather spend his money to promote himself as a public nuisance instead. Yep, The Donald is taking his Crazy Train Brain to the bank. On Monday the Cheeto-haired billionaire, in an appearance on Fox & Friends, teased that he had “something very, very big concerning the president of the United States…It’s going to be very big. I know one thing — you will cover […]
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President Obama “brings it” in second debate; Romney? Still fibbing, mostly
The stage in Tuesday’s debate, a town hall moderated by Candy Crowley (CNN, State of the Union) in Hempstead, NY, could have been set up like a boxing ring, because both President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney came out swinging…verbally. Roused from his near somnambulant state in the previous debate, President Obama sparred with spirit — and at one point, during a foreign policy question, he went from professorial to parental, complete with pointing finger. Governor Romney’s legs scissored stiffly about the stage, making him appear like a robotic comedian in dire need of his joints lubricated (deja vu: […]
Continue readingGOP grasping for an October Surprise unwittingly reveals secret CIA Benghazi base
When it comes to searching for a scandal to tie to your opponent, House Republicans are always hopeful that they can turn a lemon into lemonade. Lately, however, it’s been more like turning that lemonade into piss water. They had such great hopes for the failed Operation Fast & Furious gun-walking ATF scheme to be the scandal of scandals which would upend the Obama administration, sending it into a spiraling tailspin. But…that didn’t work out so well — and, in the process, we learned about a similar ATF operation during the Bush administration called Wide Receiver that was just as […]
Continue readingRomney debate strategy: flip flop and talk really, really fast
Mitt Romney showed up at Wednesday’s debate with President Barack Obama looking not at all as if he’d struggled with a bout of diarrhea the night before. Instead the Governor appeared tanned, fully caffeinated and chomping at the bit — one half-expected steam to puff from both ears. In contrast, President Obama appeared calm, cool, and, according to most pundits, professorial. The Jock versus the Nerd. In an interview on CNN Tuesday, former ABC News anchor Carole Simpson said that after moderating a debate in 1992 between then-President George H.W. Bush and challenger Bill Clinton, viewers told her afterward that […]
Continue readingWhat if the chair talked back to Clint Eastwood…
It was surreal watching Clint Eastwood, a man with five Academy Awards sitting on his mantle, performing an improvisation with an empty chair at the Republican National Convention this past Thursday. Eastwood’s performance art was the opening act before Florida Senator Marco Rubio gave his speech nominating Mitt Romney for President, followed by Romney and his own Big Speech. This was either the dumbest idea ever or an absolutely brilliant idea — and considering how dull and uninspiring Mitt Romney’s speech turned out to be, perhaps it’s the latter. Not that there hasn’t been awkward programming at past Democratic National […]
Continue readingPee-Wee Romney to Obama: “I’m an outsourcer and so are you!”
The media, in paroxysms of glee, are reporting the latest in the Mitt Romney campaign’s ‘defense disguised as offense’ maneuvers, that Romney is “hitting hard” against the Obama campaign by calling the President “Outsourcer-in-Chief.” Eh, that’s more like a slap fight than a direct fist to the jaw. Several sources, including Politifact and the Washington Post Fact Checker, have found most of the ‘facts’ contained in Romney’s latest attack ads to be either outright fiction or pieced-together sound bites. Romney has said that the jobs cut by Bain Capital on his watch were not outsourced, but off shored. Really? So…did […]
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