President Obama “brings it” in second debate; Romney? Still fibbing, mostly

The stage in Tuesday’s debate, a town hall moderated by Candy Crowley (CNN, State of the Union) in Hempstead, NY, could have been set up like a boxing ring, because both President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney came out swinging…verbally. Roused from his near somnambulant state in the previous debate, President Obama sparred with spirit — and at one point, during a foreign policy question, he went from professorial to parental, complete with pointing finger. Governor Romney’s legs scissored stiffly about the stage, making him appear like a robotic comedian in dire need of his joints lubricated (deja vu: […]

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Defiant Todd Akin refuses to drop out of senate race, blames “liberal elite” for GOP bullying

It’s getting really ugly for Missouri Rep. Todd Akin — and we’re not talking about his comb-over. The congressman is still smarting over Republican Party echelons calling for him to step aside and allow a (hopefully) less gaffe-prone candidate to take on U.S. Senate Democratic challenger Claire McCaskill. Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus, during an appearance on CNN’s ‘Out Front,’ urged the congressman to “step aside and let someone else run for that office.” The GOP Chairman added that he “prefer that Todd Akin do the right thing for our party and our candidates” and “not come” to the RNC […]

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Missouri Rep. Todd Akin: Women’s uteri have spidey-sense in cases of rape

Just when the GOP thought they’d put a lid on Republican candidates making stupid public comments, here comes Missouri Republican Congressman Todd Akin with a new zinger (he’s currently vying for the Missouri U.S. Senate seat against Democrat Claire McCaskill). In a brief paragraph, uttered in an interview on Sunday, Rep. Akin managed a grammatical trifeca of irony, oxymoron and redundancy by attempting to define ‘legitimate vs illegitimate rape.’ “It seems to me, from what I understand from doctors, that is really rare,” The Tea Party-backed Akin said of pregnancy caused by rape. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female […]

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