President Obama “brings it” in second debate; Romney? Still fibbing, mostly

The stage in Tuesday’s debate, a town hall moderated by Candy Crowley (CNN, State of the Union) in Hempstead, NY, could have been set up like a boxing ring, because both President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney came out swinging…verbally. Roused from his near somnambulant state in the previous debate, President Obama sparred with spirit — and at one point, during a foreign policy question, he went from professorial to parental, complete with pointing finger. Governor Romney’s legs scissored stiffly about the stage, making him appear like a robotic comedian in dire need of his joints lubricated (deja vu: […]

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GOP grasping for an October Surprise unwittingly reveals secret CIA Benghazi base

When it comes to searching for a scandal to tie to your opponent, House Republicans are always hopeful that they can turn a lemon into lemonade. Lately, however, it’s been more like turning that lemonade into piss water. They had such great hopes for the failed Operation Fast & Furious gun-walking ATF scheme to be the scandal of scandals which would upend the Obama administration, sending it into a spiraling tailspin. But…that didn’t work out so well — and, in the process, we learned about a similar ATF operation during the Bush administration called Wide Receiver that was just as […]

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Blip from the Past: The terrible and sad week

Since this 9/11 anniversary lands on a Tuesday, as had the original events of September 11, 2001, I offer this emotional post from September 16, 2001. A decade has come and gone and we’re still fighting on in Afghanistan (and to some extent, in Pakistan), but Osama bin Laden became fish food on May 2, 2011, four months short of the ten year anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. We’ve also just ended combat operations in Iraq — a very expensive spin-off war courtesy of the Bush Administration with its ever-changing ‘objectives’: 1) Iraq […]

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