Mitt Romney showed up at Wednesday’s debate with President Barack Obama looking not at all as if he’d struggled with a bout of diarrhea the night before. Instead the Governor appeared tanned, fully caffeinated and chomping at the bit — one half-expected steam to puff from both ears. In contrast, President Obama appeared calm, cool, and, according to most pundits, professorial. The Jock versus the Nerd. In an interview on CNN Tuesday, former ABC News anchor Carole Simpson said that after moderating a debate in 1992 between then-President George H.W. Bush and challenger Bill Clinton, viewers told her afterward that […]
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Romney booed at NAACP meeting for using buzzword
I’m sure that Romney campaign spin doctors were pounding their heads against a wall when Mitt went freestylin’ at the NAACP meeting in Houston today. It was bad enough that Romney stated his plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act to an audience comprised mostly of Obama supporters, but he used the GOP’s favorite euphemism for it, ‘Obamacare.’ Oops. Maybe jet lag was to blame and poor Mitt thought, for a moment, that he was speaking before a large group of Tea Partiers instead.
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