S**t Mitt Romney says

In a campaign year that seems more like a production of Comedy Central than a battle between two serious challengers, Campaign 2012 will go down in history as one which made us laugh, cringe, and cry…simultaneously. And you thought Campaign 2008, with Sarah Palin winking and gamboling about, was bizarre… Ah, Mitt Romney. Is there some sort of disconnect going on between your brain and your mouth? Romney’s gaffes often go way beyond the maladroit of President George W. Bush. It almost seems as if Mitt Romney is always thinking aloud, sans filter and self-editing. I’ve said this before, and […]

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GOP salivates over Kathleen Sebelius’s violation of the Hatch Act. But wait…

Obama Administration Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius did a mea culpa over political statements made at a meeting of the Human Rights Campaign in February. The Human Rights Campaign represents people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. Sebelius cautioned the group that any progress made on LGBT rights under President Obama could be “wiped out in a heartbeat” if Obama were not re-elected in November. At the same meeting the Health and Human Services Secretary stressed the importance of electing a Democratic governor in North Carolina. Oops. Ding-ding-ding! Violation of Hatch Act! “Secretary Sebelius violated the Hatch […]

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Blip from the Past: The terrible and sad week

Since this 9/11 anniversary lands on a Tuesday, as had the original events of September 11, 2001, I offer this emotional post from September 16, 2001. A decade has come and gone and we’re still fighting on in Afghanistan (and to some extent, in Pakistan), but Osama bin Laden became fish food on May 2, 2011, four months short of the ten year anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. We’ve also just ended combat operations in Iraq — a very expensive spin-off war courtesy of the Bush Administration with its ever-changing ‘objectives’: 1) Iraq […]

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Blip from the Past: Tax cut deja vú, or Smirk can kiss MY ass

Eleven years ago, President George W. Bush decided it would be charitable to throw some scraps to his serfs…erm…middle class Americans by way of Treasury-issued checks. Of course, if you were lucky enough to be in that golden upper 1%, yours would not be scraps, but a lavish and never-ending buffet. Did this help the middle class? Nah. Did this help clean out the last of the Clinton surplus? Yep! Did this help to increase the deficit, forcing the Times Square Deficit Clock to be restarted? You betcha! This post from July 23, 2001 serves as a reminder: beware of […]

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Rep. Joe Walsh to war veterans: be noble and shut up about your military service

According to Illinois Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Chicken Hawk), “true heroes” don’t ever, ever talk about their time in combat. Especially when they’re running for office. If you’re a war veteran, just shut the eff up, according to Mr. Walsh. Joe’s looking at you, Tammy Duckworth. At a town hall meeting on July 3, 2012, Walsh extolled the virtues of John McCain refusing to talk about his experience as a fighter pilot during the Vietnam War on the 2008 campaign trail. Walsh then took that example as reason to diss his opponent, Tammy Duckworth, for mentioning her 20 years of military […]

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House Republicans’ Fast & Furious Hail Mary

Break out the klaxons bells! House Republicans have uncovered an uber-top-secret cover-up by the Obama Administration’s Justice Department! You know, that failed attempt last year by federal investigators allowing guns to end up in the hands of gangs of criminals in order to disrupt large-scale arms trafficking by organized crime syndicates across the US-Mexico border? It had a fancy-schmancy name, ‘Operation Fast & Furious’…like the movie starring Vin Diesel? Just imagine Iran-Contra in the Eighties, only without the arms selling part…and the ‘overthrowing-a-government-we-don’t-like-part.’ Oh, right. You were more concerned with making your next mortgage payment and upset that your employer […]

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